Freeze-Clik - Senzor teploty

When Freezing Temperatures Threaten a Landscape, Freeze-Clik Steps In

Accidentally irrigating in the middle of a deep freeze is one of the worst things that can happen to a landscape. In some areas, where temperature swings are unpredictable, irrigating during a freeze is not only hazardous to the life of landscapes, it can also be hazardous to those who may walk or drive nearby. With the Hunter Freeze-Clik sensor installed in a system, these dangers become a worry of the past. Once freezing temperatures are detected, Freeze-Clik will automatically shut an irrigation system down. When the temperature returns to an irrigation-friendly level, Freeze-Clik allows scheduled programming to run. Easy to mount and easy use, the Freeze-Clik can also be paired with other weather sensing devices to guarantee efficient watering during all types of weather.
  • Ľahká a jednoduchá inštalácia
    Nie je potrebné žiadne nastavenie

  • Dvojité tesnenie elementu senzora z umelej živice
    Zabezpečuje presné meranie teploty

  • Môže byť použitý aj v kombinácii s inými senzormi
    Zvyšuje efektívnosť celkovej automatizácie zavlažovacieho systému


Freeze sensor interrupts irrigation when
temperatures drop below 37˚ F


Freeze sensor allows irrigation when
temperatures drop below 37˚ F