Mini meteo stanica so senzorom teploty

MWS helps Any System Battle Wind, Rain, and Freezing Temperatures

Ensuring efficient irrigation means being prepared for changing weather. The Hunter Mini-Weather Station helps system operators be as prepared as possible by combining each of Hunter's three different sensor devices in a single convenient unit. The Mini-Clik rain sensor shuts down irrigation off in a storm and keeps them off, automatically compensating for the amount of rainfall that occurred. The Freeze-Clik prevents system activation by automatically stopping the flow of water when outdoor temperatures drop near freezing. The Wind-Clik shuts off systems during periods of high wind and automatically resets the system when conditions are more favorable. Attaching to the controller with just two wires, the Mini-Weather Station is easy to install and ready to go to work ensuring efficient watering even during drastic weather changes.

  • Jednoduchá inštalácia pri každom zavlažovacom systéme
    Flexibilné použitie pre najrôznejšie požiadavky

  • Vysoko kvalitná konštrukcia
    Stabilná konštrukcia pre dlhoročnú bezproblémovú funkčnosť

  • Vypína zavlažovací systém v daždi
    Nastaviteľné na výšku zrážky 3,1 až 25,4 mm

  • Nastaviteľný pre rôzne rýchlosti vetra
    Bod vypnutia pri rýchlosti vetra 20 až 55 km/h

  • Vypína systém pri poklese teploty
    Bod vypnutia + 3°C (+/–2˚C)

MWS Weather station combines wind and rain sensors
MWS-FR Weather station combines wind and rain sensors with a freeze sensor